
Comparing and defining exact colors is very difficult, if not impossible, from you screen. Hereunder I tried to show the colors that are closest to the Ericofon colors. It is best if you compare colors from the table below.

Color NameNE Rotary IDTouchTone IDOtherReference Color
Accent Green520547
Crystal Mint5205527004746
Aqua Mist5205467004744
Nordic Blue520542
BrownNorth Electric only
Dark BrownPTT NL + 700
OrangeBPO UK + 700
Mandarin Red5205507004747
Dark RedPTT NL only
Royal Dubonnet520539
Dusty Rose520544
Princess Pink520541
Petal Pink5205417004748
Golden Glow520543
Harvest GoldNorth Electric only
Candle Glow520553North Electric NC
Candle GlowOC and LME NC
Taj Mahal5205367004751+ PTT NL + 700
Persian Gray520551
Green700 only
Blue700 only

A few notes on the table:

NE Rotary ID = identification number stamped inside the shell indicating the rotary model and color. This is appearing in North Electric (NE) New Case (NC) only, so not for the LME types and not in Old Cases (OC).

TouchTone ID = identification number stamped inside the shell indicating the touchtone model and color. I could not find this in all touchtone Ericofons (e.g. not in my Wedgewood, Sandalwood and Candle Glow).

Petal Pink replaced Princess Pink in the early 1960’s in the US. The same code was used for these 2 models (520541). Therefore there is no Petal Pink Old Case model. Princess Pink still existed outside the US. Some more details on this story can be found here.

The Candle Glow color seems to be slightly different between the US and Europe. Old cases have the same color, new cases differ. Whereas the North Electric Candle Glow is more opaque gray-brownish, the LME Candle Glow is more yellow-ivory and slightly more translucent. See more details on the differences here.

Harvest Gold and Brown were introduced by North Electric in a later stage in the US. They do not have a 5205xx identification number as far as I know.

All special appearances; like chrome, gold, clear and metallic; are not listed above. This color overview is only about the original colors for the consumer market.