Category Archives: fun

The Wheel

Some time back I came across a very nice Ericofon related item that was put up for sale. That was the first and also the last time I have seen this one. Unfortunately it went out for quite a large sum of money so I was not able to get it. Would have been nice though 🙁

It seems to be an original box with 9 color samples of the Ericofon. I guess it was manufactured in Sweden and I am not even sure if this set is complete. That’s all I know, but it is still an intriguing item. If you know more, please let me know.


Graphic by Nina Soentgerath
Image by Nina Soentgerath

Going back in time with a nice retro graphic that I found online. But we also have to look forward to a new year that will start in a few days. Wishing you all the best for 2025.

I Don’t Get It

Actually I thought that I knew everything, or at least a lot, about the existence of all types of Ericofons. But what shows up in the past weeks? A model I have never heard of before. I know the 600, the 700 and all the deviations from these. But the 5000 I was not aware of. 🙂

It is a hands-free table phone that can be used for conferences. Produced by KonfTel for Ericsson in 1998. The table phone itself is numbered 5010 (or 5020), the whole unit 5000.

One thing is sure: this one will not end up in my collection.

Sound Oblivion

The following guy did some fun things with Ericofons and music. It uses the limited bandwidth of the Ericofons speaker to create a retro effect. Although it hurt my eyes to see the Ericofons being ‘abused’, it is kind of nice.

Cold Dream of an Earth Star

On the last day of the year 2022 I take the opportunity to wish everyone a very healthy and happy 2023.

The past couple of years have been tough for different reasons. With the pandemic well under control in most parts of the world I hope that 2023 will bring us a bit more quite and piece. Hopefully international relations in eastern Europe will take a more positive turn this year as well.

Let’s dream for the best.

Red Skeletons II

Sometimes you buy a phone that is not as advertised. This phone had some heat damage on 1 side and there was no way to recover it. The seller was so ‘nice’ to misled met with perfect pictures avoiding the spot that could not be overlooked by him. For the rest it really looked perfect.

As it is still summer holiday I decided to create my own ‘intersected Ericofon’. It is nice to see how everything fits into the chassis. It is not really going to be part of the collection, but it is interesting to see this construction so close myself. I believe there is an ‘official’ version of this, professionally made, but I am not 100% sure about it.

Black Light District

The town where I live is often indicated as 013, which is its landline area code before the mobile era. This year it is 213 years ago that this town got the city rights from Napoleon back in 1809.

Obviously a reason to celebrate so I took these pictures at a piece of light art in a dark town district.

Nature Is A Language

People do all kinds of stuff with and to Ericofons. We already had the posts on cloned models, painted models and on lamp models. Now we have a new category: wrapped models.

Ulla-Stina Wikander is an artist located in Sweden. She is wrapping all kinds of weird stuff in cross stitch embroided landscape fabrics, including Ericofons.

If you like it, it must be nice but I prefer my Ericofons natural instead of Zentai. There is one exception of course.

Teenage Lightning

Already for a long time I know that there are playsets from the Ericofon on the market. But never I have bought one. Now I got the opportunity to get one from France although the origin is Italian.

This set reminded me of the 4 intercom sets I made with 2 Ericofons for an exhibition back in 2018.

Two Ericofons connected by a simple wire, functioning as an intercom… a nice playset for kids. In the old days at least. Not sure if these days kids will still be amused by these kind of toys when they have a smartphone or tablet as well.

The size of the phones is approximately the same as the size of the original Ericofon. Nice detail is that the box is showing a wedge, but it contains a flat type of Ericofon (sorry… 😉 ). Each phone runs on a large 3V battery that I do not think are still for sale anymore. From the booklet, the following text I found quite amusing:

The ‘telefoni comunicanti’ playset was manufactured by Ingap, located in Padova, Italy and has article number 6090. They were quite famous with their tin, and later plastic, cars as from the 1930’s onwards. Unfortunately I do not know the year of production but I expect it should have been produced in the 1960’s.

Update 28/06/2024:

There is also a Brio Ericofon on the market. Seems like quite some people had one in their childhood. This is not an electrical device, but a pure wooden play phone. Below is a picture from the web.

Dismal Orb

On Instagram (yes, you can find me there as well) I encountered some very nice drawings of Ericofons. They were made by Jonn Celemente from Sweden. All credits to this artist!!

Besides these 3 Ericofon related drawings he is also creating very very nice other pieces of art. Please check him out in Instagram as well.

The drawings are beautifully made and some give me a slight feeling of discomfort. This is very personal but this is what I like in art: a grinding feeling here and there does not hurt anyone ;-).