It is summer, it is hot and the house needs to be cleaned up. Not my favorite task, but it really needs to be done. As we have some major changes being done in the house we need to make some space. The Ericofon activities are unfortunatelly for the moment second priority. But I’ll try to post something at least every month as you are used to. But it will be chit-chat as I do have my collection stowed away in boxes for the moment and no place to work on any phone at all.
Over the years I have gathered a lot of stuff that I do not really need anymore, but it was just a waste to get rid of it. You never know… One of the things that I found in the garage was a box with approximately 100 phone cables. Originating from over a dozen countries it is quite a nice collection of plugs as well. hmm 😉

After taking the picture I sat in the sun starting to sort out the chaos in front of me and I took out the original Ericofon cables. There were just a few in there… The rest, damaged, sticky, dirty and yellowed I took away for recycling.