The Wheel

Some time back I came across a very nice Ericofon related item that was put up for sale. That was the first and also the last time I have seen this one. Unfortunately it went out for quite a large sum of money so I was not able to get it. Would have been nice though ๐Ÿ™

It seems to be an original box with 9 color samples of the Ericofon. I guess it was manufactured in Sweden and I am not even sure if this set is complete. That’s all I know, but it is still an intriguing item. If you know more, please let me know.

Circles of Mania IV

As you know I am not only collecting Ericofon models and colors. Also from dial face perspective I want to be complete. But this is a challenge…

There are still 5 different dial faces missing in my collection. Three rotary and two Touch Tone types. The pictures were taken from Richard’s site

  • Top left is an early Australian rotary dial face, which is very special with letters only. Bob Mills told me in a short email conversation we had, that he has seen it on 3 different ‘proto’ old cases from around 1955. Old cases were never sold in Australia as the Ericofon was offered to the public in 1963 only.
  • Top middle is an early Swedish Telia dial. It dates from prior to the time they printed their logo on it. The ‘window’ is smaller in size. The picture should be credited to Thomas Johansson.
  • Top right is the infamous Chinese dial. It was used in Asia as you can imagine ๐Ÿ˜‰ e.g. Singapore and China. There could only be a few left as old phones were destroyed by the phone companies when replaced. They did not want people to use it without paying rent for it.
  • Bottom left is the early Swedish Touch Tone key pad. Here the ‘A’ and ‘B’ represent the ‘*’ and ‘#’. The picture should be credited to Ove Svensson.
  • Bottom right is most likely a prototype as it is only having 10 buttons instead of 12. Missing are the ‘*’ and ‘#’. Obviously no further information on this type can be found.

So… missing 5. If you have or see these dials, please let me know!


Graphic by Nina Soentgerath
Image by Nina Soentgerath

Going back in time with a nice retro graphic that I found online. But we also have to look forward to a new year that will start in a few days. Wishing you all the best for 2025.

Things We Never Had

Here are some nice items that were for sale some time ago this year. I took part in the auction but for me the bids were going to high. Nevertheless very nice wannahaves, but for me not really a must.

Two Ericofons signed by Gรถsta Thamesย (1916 โ€“ 2006), the leader of the design team of the Ericofon. I am not sure when the phones were signed, but I understood they were signed by him to raise funds for a Swedish telephone collectors club.

Bang Bang

This week I was able to get 2 new phones. With these 2 new phones I should have reached the the number of 90 unique models in my collection. Another milestone. However… back on 89 again. ๐Ÿ™

Not sure if I will ever reach the magical 100 but of course that would be something special… Most friends think I am crazy. It is getting a bit complex now to get models I do not have yet, but I have said that before ;-). It is so strange that this year I got 5 new phones. That didn’t happen the last 5 years.

The pictures in this preview may not say much but I can tell you it is a Touch Tone and a Nichco metallic. Both I did not have in my collection yet.

You can see the Touch Tone misses a part, but I have this dial plate and spring in my stock. So there is no worry on that. Both Ericofons are in pretty good shape as I could observe from the pictures. But buying online is always a risk of course.

So please come back for more information and some nice pictures soon. They are both quite photogenic. On the other hand… which Ericofon isn’t?

Update 25/10/2024:

Here’s the however part: The expected Princess Pink Touch Tone turned out to be a Petal Pink Touch Tone in the end. Today I received it and to be honest I was a bit disappointed. The revenge of the Princess was fired back on me, not on the Petal rival. Good thing is that it is in perfect shape, better than the one I already had. But… not a Princess. So I have replaced my old Petal Pink Touch Tone. After all it brings a bit of extra. And, it also came with the original box and the original technical electric schema drawing.

Still waiting for the Nichco to arrive.

Update 26/10/2024:

Here’s an update on the Nichco metallic Ericofon that I promised. It arrived today and luckily it was as I hoped it would be.

Fabulous color Purple from the series of Nichco painted metallic series. A color that is so different from the rest of the palette in the cabinet. Perfectly painted, not a single scratch ๐Ÿ™‚

Feeder II

Four years ago I had the chance to buy 26 Ericofons in one sale. Most of them were complete and it was my biggest buy so far.

Last week I was able to buy another lot. It is quite a huge lot, not containing many complete Ericofons, but quite some shells, chassis, dials and a diversity of other parts. It feeds my lifetime supply of Ericofon spare parts. And of course there is the opportunity to put some complete phones together as well.

Early 2023 I got in contact with the famous General Dare (not his real name) from the United Kingdom. We met online and we have been talking about our shared passion for Ericofons in some long phone conversations. In the end we agreed that I could buy his old stock remains and last week we went to to collect it all.

In the late 1990’s General Dare reworked original Ericofon shells with his own designed digital DTMF keypad/chassis. A modernized Ericofon that said goodbye to the pulses permanently. Unfortunately his business stopped after a few years. In the end of the 1990’s digitization was going very rapidly and it was hard for small companies to keep up the standards. Also the weight and balance of the General Dare Ericofons was not optimal because of the new (better) speaker and the heavy, partly metal, chassis.

So we booked a ticket for the Eurotunnel and a B&B for 2 nights and off we went for a nice weekend to the UK. It was a good excuse for a short trip, from Friday to Sunday. A drive from The Netherlands through Belgium to the north of France is only a few hours. In Calais we put the car on the train and 35 minutes later we arrived in Folkestone, UK. It is true what they say about rain and England.

On Sunday morning we visited General Dare on his farm on the English countryside. His geese were welcoming us with a lot of noise once we approached the fence. After a tour through the premises it was time to check out the “merchandise”. He had quite a large pile of Ericofon parts in a barn; 3 dirty and dusty boxes with even dustier and dirtier parts in them. Not even looked at in the past 25 years I expect. We had a bit of trouble getting it all in the trunk of the car, but with some squeezing we managed. Once all was packed we had a delicious coffee on the porch of their lovely farmhouse and had some nice conversations about a lot of things. I even learned that there was a thing called a Bug a Salt 3.0 Orange Crush ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you for your hospitality J and S! It was a pleasure meeting you both.

This is just a part of what was there… In the top of the picture there are a few nice colors and some complete sets. But most of the lot are parts: shells, chassis, dial faces, ear-caps, finger wheels, and much, much more. So if you need anything…

Here you see 3 generations of keypads/chassis of the General Dare that I found in the lot. The one the left almost weights 400 gr. This is the most common version, either with a white or a red button (which resembles the original red button). The one in the middle is 300 gr and the version on the right only 180 gr. The keypad from the latter is very similar to the Ericofon 700. I haven’t seen many of the middle and right keypads. As said, weight and balance were some drawbacks of the General Dare version. But also rapid electronic innovations and an open market were not helping General Dare as a small enterprise.

Unfortunately J did not want to include an unopened box with an Orange BPO Ericofon inside. But I knew that already upfront so it was not a disappointment. When I saw the box, it was a bit of a Schrรถdinger’s cat experience. You do not know 100% sure what is in the box. If you open it you will know but then it is not unopened anymore… ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice.

My goal with this set is to restore as many original Ericofons as possible. The first sorting already has been done the evening I arrived home with my stuff. But first I need to get me a few bottles of soap and start cleaning…

I am very happy with this lot, it was all worth the ride and a good excuse to drive to the UK for a nice weekend! And of course it was an honor to have a meet and greet with the General himself!

Update 18/10/2024:

From the load of Candle Glow shells, there were quite a few that were heavily discolored. It is very hard to get them fully back in their original color, so I decided to paint them in divers colors instead. Looks nice!


Finally, finally finally!

Finally I have got my Wedgewood New Case Flat. It was on the top of my most wanted list for ages.

It was so hard to find this one. In all the years that I have been collecting Ericofons, I have never seen this color/model combination for sale anywhere. There are some people I know who have it, but they know it is rare so there was no chance to get it from them. I was truly convinced that this one was only sold in the US, but I found one in Europe instead.

Actually it was a bit of a gamble, again. Which I am not very fond of. ๐Ÿ™‚ But the pictures on the auction site were taken from strange angles. See the picture above as an example. On top the seller did not respond to any of my questions. I guessed it was a new case, but I was not 100% sure. When you see the linnen cord that is attached, you expect an old case. On the other hand, the dial is a bit newer. As the pictures were so light I also thought of a Nordic Blue for a moment.

New Case Flat and Old Case

As we were away for a summer holiday when the auction ended, I had to file my maximum bid 5 days before the auction end time. Internet was not a given during our trip, for sure not at the end of the auction. Nothing to worry about you would think. But there was one other person who recognized how rare this one was. So the grand final was quite exciting I noticed later. In the end I won the auction, still in my budget, but higher than I initially expected. With a big thump it dropped into my mailbox today.

I would not know why this Wedgewood model is so rare. The color itself is not so hard to get, but this particular shape is just not that obvious for some reason in Wedgewood. Anyway, this beauty from 1961 is in perfect shape and very welcome.

Transparent IV

The series of transparent posts has again another peak. Last week I received another Transparent Ericofon. This time it was a new case wedge. Strangely enough all three clear Ericofons were bought mid-June in the past 3 years. But all three from different sources.

Flat (1963) – Touch Tone (1972) – Wedge (1972)

This new clear Ericofon was part of an auction of vintage toys. It was visible in an auction lot with exotic toys from the 1950’s and 1960s. Actually the toys were close to garbage as they were worth nothing or in bad state as far as I could see. So were the photographic skills of the auction house. I could hardly see if the Ericofon was a wedge or flat and in what condition it was. While zooming in, the year on the microphone became visible, the advantage of a clear shell, and my conclusion was a wedge. So in the end it was a bit of a gamble on the quality.

Not one phone collector was present to judge the lot to it’s actual value and I had a bargain this time.

As said, the phone is in perfect condition. No yellowing of the clear plastic case at all. No cracks, just a few scratches from usage. Unfortunately the dial face is a regular North Electric and not a transparent version like with the one from 1963. That would have been nice, but this is just a detail.

I hope that some other June in the future I can add the Transparent 700 to my collection as well. That would be great!

Time Machines

This beautiful Persian Gray turned 60 years. From the outside you cannot tell because the shell has not yellowed at all which is often the case with gray models. Some colors suffer more from sun and smoke aging and gray is one of them. But not this beauty!

However, from the inside there are multiple signs that this Ericofon is indeed 60 years old and therefore originating from 1964. This is by the way the oldest wedge shaped shell in my collection.

The age can normally be verified from at least 3 points on the inside. The shell often indicates the week number and year of production (32 64), the microphone does the same (6-64). But also the chassis is giving a similar hint (31 64).

Although this phone is very consistent in its age, not all Ericofons are. Dates are not always there, or readable. But if they are, the phones are mostly put together from older and newer parts. That is quite normal as production of parts and assembly are 2 different processes. They are real time machines ๐Ÿ™‚

Summer Substructures

Earlier in May there was a morning where the warm morning sun was peeking into the house. It almost felt like summer started when the beams were landing on the shiny section of my collection. Unfortunately the rest of May was extremely wet and cloudy.

1 Chrome, 2 Aztec Gold Plated and 2 Gold Plated Ericofons try to bring summer into the house. It is a good start of the day.